4 Comments on “Fear? Confidence?”

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Aaron wrote on 30 June, 2006, 1:19 PM

    Eddie, you make some great points. I really enjoy reading your articles these days. Keep up the good work.

    Here is a thought for an analytical mind to measure your learning curve. Take your the difference between this years lap times and your SV times at corresponding tracks as a percentage. Than plot that out on a chart/graph. Is that curve going the right way? Is it flat lining? Let me know if this makes sense to you. I just thought it might help to see the curve climbing in the right direction. It might build confidence. We both know that confidence can help to overcome fear.

    Good seeing everyone at the track. Look forward to the next Grattan round.


  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 4 July, 2006, 4:59 PM

    Hey Aaron,

    The curve is going the right way. The slope just needs to be a little greater. :) Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.

    Talk to you soon ..

  • Witchkraft Contributor
    cire wrote on 8 July, 2006, 6:05 PM


    Have you ever thought about going in journalism???


  • Witchkraft Contributor
    Eddie wrote on 8 July, 2006, 6:50 PM

    Yeah Eric, I wouldn’t mind doing some writing if the situation ever presented itself. :)

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  • You're currently reading "Fear? Confidence?," an entry on Witchkraft Racing.
  • Published: 06.30.06 / 6am
  • Category: General